As Church Secretary Hazel is responsible for managing the church calendar and many of the arrangements around it.
Andy Spreckley
DeaconAndy serves in various areas including maintaining the garden, practical jobs around the church building and the manse (the pastor...
Dudes Mswabuki
ElderMduduzi has been an elder since 2018. Dudes leads a Fellowship group, teaches the Bible occasionally on Sundays and loves...
Le Fras Strydom
ElderLe Fras has been an elder since 2016. He leads a Fellowship group, teaches occasionally on Sundays and takes an...
Mark Griffin
ElderMark leads a Fellowship Group and oversees Coffee Cup. Mark particularly leads in hospitality and practical care.
Ollie Land
PastorOllie is our full-time pastor. He joined the church in 2020 in the midst of the pandemic! The church...