Hazel Buckland


As Church Secretary Hazel is responsible for managing the church calendar and many of the arrangements around it.

  • Andy Spreckley


    Andy serves in various areas including maintaining the garden, practical jobs around the church building and the manse (the pastor...

  • Dudes Mswabuki


    Mduduzi has been an elder since 2018.  Dudes leads a Fellowship group, teaches the Bible occasionally on Sundays and loves...

  • Le Fras Strydom


    Le Fras has been an elder since 2016. He leads a Fellowship group, teaches occasionally on Sundays and takes an...

  • Mark Griffin


    Mark leads a Fellowship Group and oversees Coffee Cup. Mark particularly leads in hospitality and practical care.

  • Ollie Land


    Ollie is our full-time pastor. He joined the church in 2020 in the midst of the pandemic! The church...

  • Wendy Matonsi


    As Treasurer, Wendy manages our finances.