You are welcome at Elmstead

No matter who you are or what your background is – you are welcome.

The best way to get to know us is to come to our Sunday morning meeting at 10.30am.

Ollie Land is our pastor – his full time job is to guide us in our life together with God by helping us understand the Bible better and how to live it out. You can call him on 07947 977201 if you would like to ask questions or introduce yourself.



What time do you meet and how long is the meeting?

People start arriving from 10am. The formal part begins at 10:30am and finishes around 11:45am.

Some people head off then but most stay for refreshments. It’s a chance to catch up with one another as well as discuss what we’ve learnt that morning. Anyone is welcome to stay for this.

Normally most people leave by about 12.30pm (but not everybody stays till then).

What should I expect?

People start arriving from 10am. You will find musicians practising, a few people getting things organised, and other friendly faces to welcome you.

Our service starts at 10.30am when our focus turns to God as we read from the Bible, sing and pray. Everyone stays in for this first section. Don’t feel you need to do anything other than find a seat!

At around 11am the children go into age appropriate groups where they have fun and are taught from the Bible.

We prioritise understanding the Bible better, so expect the Bible to be taught clearly and unashamedly (even the tricky or controversial bits!) and in a way that helps you know how to respond.

We genuinely love getting to know new people and to help them explore things at their own pace. Expect to be warmly welcomed whoever you are.

What should I wear?

We have no dress code – please come in the clothes you are comfortable in.

What’s on for children?

Children and families are very welcome at Elmstead.

On Sunday mornings, families stay together for the first part of the meeting, then the children go into age groups where they have fun and are taught in ways that are appropriate for their age. Find out more about children and young people.

What other things are on at Elmstead?

There are regular opportunities to get started with church and the Bible:

  • Essentials – four interactive sessions discussing the basics of the Christian message.
  • The Word One to One – a guided read through of one of the eye-witness accounts of Jesus’s life.

See what else is on at Elmstead.